Category: Kitchen Remodeling

Remodel The Kitchen

In this room, a small change can also go a long way, like changing the cabinet handles, which can change the view of the room. Even changing doors, an even more radical change, involves no structural changes and is a relatively simple task to complete.

The kitchen can also be one of the most expensive rooms to renovate, especially if you choose to change major appliances. In this case, you should choose, wherever possible, appliances with the best energy rating because these are the ones that will allow you to save money in the long term.

It should be noted that the old A++ indices were replaced in the middle of last year by more demanding indices, closer to normal device use.

In this sense, the new energy labels are classified from A to G.

Give a new light to the house.

Interior lighting is a key element in creating a good atmosphere. Bad lighting can spoil everything and ruin even the most expensive decor.

Different lenses generally require different types of lighting. In other words, an area of ​​the house oriented toward rest needs softer, warmer light. Study or work areas, on the other hand, need brighter lighting that facilitates concentration.

The new smart LED lights make it possible to organize all these environments in a single lamp at the press of a button.

Search for financing

Any renovation is conditional on the availability of a budget. However, sometimes the work is urgent, or there is no point in postponing the renovation.

For these cases, the solution is often a financing solution, which should, obviously, be the most adequate.

Define your budget before renovating a kitchen.

When planning a new kitchen in Nice or France, you need to be realistic about the costs. Do some research. Visit kitchen showrooms and home stores to determine the cost of items, then determine what you need and what you can afford. Prepare for the unexpected. Set a budget, then add another 10% for unexpected expenses. Consider the “hidden” costs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of labour and materials, as well as any taxes and shipping charges. These can add up very quickly, so it’s important to take them into account when budgeting. Quality should come first. Always buy the best you can afford. When it comes to kitchen remodelling, you want high-quality, functional items. Think about your needs and wants. Be practical, and don’t buy unnecessary items. It can be tempting to buy all sorts of fancy gadgets and devices, but it’s best to go with the basics that are reliable and fit your needs.

Think about the layout of the kitchen elements.

More than any room in the house, the kitchen must be practical and functional. So, think about how you use it and make a plan that will suit your needs. Think long and hard about the layout and determine what will work best for your household. Whenever possible, you should use the classic work triangle. Arrange the sink, refrigerator and stove (the three most used functions) in a triangular pattern. It is generally agreed that the configuration is the most convenient because it avoids unnecessary steps. How many people usually work in the kitchen at a time (mom, dad, etc.)? If you have more than one, you may want to integrate multiple workstations. If you have enough space, consider adding an island or purchasing a wheeled cart that can be moved around the room and stored when not in use.

Kitchen space planning

A good contractor will make sure everything is in order to ensure safety, but it’s up to you to plan. Here are some points to remember:

  • Countertops: Allow at least 36″ of counter space for meal preparation, with 24″ on one side of the sink and 18″ on the other. If you can install more, do so.
  • Household appliances: leave enough floor space in front of household appliances so that you can open the doors and still be able to walk in front of them. 30″ to 48″ should be sufficient.
  • Footbridges: leave enough room for traffic. There should be 42″ between the counters and the island (if there is one) so people can easily move around.

Discuss all of this with your contractor and architect to ensure the space is planned to ensure convenience and ease of movement for you and your family. Once you know what you want and what you can afford, you can hire a contractor and start working. Remember to stick to your plan and don’t get carried away with excitement or let yourself talk about things you don’t want or need. If you want to remodel a kitchen, knowledge is key.…